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Active vs. Passive Reading

Dimension: Intellectual
Activity: Reading for academic success at the Student Success Center
Date: 2/25 9-3

Before attending this event I was a little apprehensive because I had no idea what this event would be about. I had thought maybe we had to read something, but I was curious if we had to read to someone or what we had to do. When I arrived the lady gave me a small paragraph to read.

It was about a procedure where you arrange items into different groups. Then, it when on to explain about facilities needed and that it is important to not overdo things. It said that at first the whole procedure will seem complicated, but soon after it will become just another facet of life. After the procedure is completed you arrange the items into groups again and eventually you will have to complete the whole cycle one again.

After I finished reading the lady asked me what the paragraph was about and I honestly couldn’t tell her. The paragraph didn’t give any evidence to what these items were, or at least I didn’t think it did. I tried to guess but I was completely wrong and then she told me it was about laundry. After she told me that it all made sense then. She explained to me that I was reading as a passive reader. Passive readers are not in control of their reading. A common passive reading experience is to “wake up” in the middle of a paragraph, wondering what you just read.

Active readers on the other hand, control the process of reading. After she informed me of this I realized that this situation has happened to me quite a bit. If I am not interested while reading I often finish and wonder what the heck I just read. The lady introduced me into the P2R Reading System that tells you to Preview, Read Actively, and Review. These are steps that can help you actively read. They are definitely something I am going to put to use.

The Labyrinth

Dimension: Occupational
Activity: Wellness Expo (Labyrinth in the Group Exercise Room)
Date: 2/27 12-5pm

This event was one of the last events that we could attend and therefore it was a free event where we could pick any wristband we wanted. I chose occupational because I could not attend any of the occupational events available. I was a little disappointed to see that there were not more options for the occupational wristband. I would have really liked to see some events with career services, such as their resume and cover letter writing presentations.

When I saw that this event was a labyrinth I had no idea what to expect. I knew what a labyrinth was, but I didn’t know if we would be doing one on paper or if they would have an obstacle course set up for one. When we got there I was very intrigued. The labyrinth was a large mat where you just followed the lines. The lady explained that the labyrinth is an ancient symbol of spiritual journey. I had no idea that they had a spiritual purpose, that was a complete shock to me. She said that the walking the labyrinth could help to focus our minds on God or prayers. It can be as simple as to just help untangle a problem that may seem difficult by making it more clear as you walk. She said others find new insights during the walk. When I walked I just cleared my mind and tried to relax and shed all the stress from school. I do have to say that it was very relaxing and I definitely want to check out the small labyrinth in the quiet space at the Wellness Center.


Dimension: Environmental
Activity: Recycle
Sunday, February 17th

For this activity the we had to keep track of bottle tops from plastic bottle tops we had used and recycled, to seehow many bottles were being saved from the land fill. This event was kindof difficult for me because I just use a Camelbak water bottle all the time and I don’t drink pop or much of anything but water. However, it worked out that my boyfriend was visiting me the weekend of this event and he is a big gatorade drinker, so I made sure he recycled his bottles and I stole his tops. I am really happy that they had this as an event because I am a strong believer in recycling. It irritates me everytime when I see people throwing a large stack of paper away when the recycling can is right next to the garbage can. It also irritates me when people don’t use both sides of a paper, for example when people print. I wish people would realize that they could save so many pieces of paper if they printed on both sides. When I tell people they should I always get the same excuse that they don’t know how. I think that something our University could do to change this matter is by placing by each computer in the library and the Union an instruction sheet of how to print on both sides. I come from a very small town and we don’t even have recycling, but I still make family recycle. For us to do this we have to drive it about an hour away to a city where they have a recycling plant. As far as plastic goes, it scares me that throughout the world we approximately throw away 1500 bottles every second. These plastic bottles take 700 years just to start decomposing and up to 1000 years to fully decompose. At what point are we not going to have any room for all of our waste? I am happy that the University has a pretty strong recycling program, so I hope that students take advantage of that.


Dimension: Physical
Activity: Workout
Monday, February 18th

This activity was normally supposed to be completed on President’s Day, the day there was no class, but even if we would have had class it would have been cancelled. This was the day of one of the huge storms we have had in ND, but that wasn’t about to stop me from working out; however, the Wellness Center had to close. Since the Wellness Center was closed, I was able to complete this challenge the next day. I normally lift weights with a friend every morning at about 6:45am, but that day I told her that we were going to use the new Circuit Deck instead. Neither of us had used the Circuit Deck yet so we were really curious about it. Early in the morning is a great time to work out, I recommend it because no one is there. My friend and I had the Circuit deck completely to ourselves, so that was really nice. I have only done an ab circuit once before when I worked out with a friend at Planet Fitness, but I have never done a full body circuit like this one. I definitely liked it alot because it kept you moving. One of my biggest problems is that I take too long of a time resting between different exercises and then I end up spending too long of a time at the gym. Sometimes I have to skip some of the exercises I want to do just because I don’t have enough time. The new Circuit Deck gets rid of the problem with the timer it has. I also like this new Circuit Deck because it gives people a different place to do weights, but in a more secluded area.


Dimension: Spiritual Activity: Spring Involvement Fair and Volunteer Recruitment Day
Wednesday, January 16th 10am-2pm

I was originially planning on attending the Spring Involvement Fair because I was going to be sitting at the Red Cross Club booth. However, I was also looking forward to the Fair this semester because I was looking to sign up for volunteering at Altru this semester and you can only do it at either the fall or spring involvement fairs. While I was at the expo I had the opportunity to take a look around and check out all the booths. A lot of the booths dealt with the Greeks and their hopes of recruiting members. I did manage to sign up for volunteering at Altru as a volunteer in the Pediatric Therapy department. I am very much looking forward to starting. I also signed up to receive emails fromt he the Undergraduate Medical Association Club.
This activity was listed as a wild card activity, where you could pick your own dimension. I decided to pick Spiritual because this dimension was something that I knew would be hard for me to obtain. I guess I would say I am spiritual in the sense that I was baptised, comfirmed, and I do attend church here and there, but I would say I am less spiritual in the sense that when it comes to how God created Earth. I more so believe the science version and how we have evolved as human beings. At the this next fall’s Involvement Expo I am thinking that I might look for some bible study groups, so then I can here other people’s take on the situation.

National HIV Testing Day – June 27, 2012

We hear about it. We talk about it. And then we dismiss it. Until it happens to someone you know –  an acquaintance, a friend, a family member. But are we concerned enough to think it could happen to us?

HIV/AIDS – What is it, really?

Today is National HIV Testing Day. But what do we really know about this deadly disease?

Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection/ Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is a disease that affects the human immune system. It is caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Due to its impact on the immune system (weakens the immune system), HIV/AIDS increases the likelihood of infections, viral flues and tumors that do not normally affect those with healthy, working immune systems. These problems increase and worsen over time as the disease progresses.

HIV/AIDS is a huge health problem and is considered a pandemic due to its active presence in many parts of the world. The disease is transmitted mainly through sexual intercourse, hypodermic needles, and contact with contaminated blood. It is also transmitted from mother to child through pregnancy, childbirth and breast-feeding.

Is There a Cure?

There is no known cure for HIV/AIDS, but antiretroviral treatments can slow down its course, and may even allow patients to lead a near-normal life expectancy. However, this treatment is very expensive and may have side effects. According to UNAIDS 2011, approximately 34 million people have HIV globally, a statistic as of 2010.

Diagnosis and Testing

HIV testing is recommended for anyone diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease, as well as those known to be at high risk, such as drug users. HIV is diagnosed through laboratory testing, where they look for antibodies in blood or saliva.

While doctors recommend testing for patients with risk of contracting the disease, many people choose not to get tested for fear of being diagnosed HIV positive. It is extremely important to get tested and get treatment as soon as possible. Significant improvements have been made over the last 50 years since the disease was recognized by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1981.

Here in the United States, access to treatment and care is readily available, more so than anywhere else in the world; yet statistics of people infected (and new diagnoses) remain about the same (UNAID 2011). This shows that the problem is not access to care, but rather education and awareness and of course, the realization that it can, in fact, happen to you.

Testing is crucial to detect, treat and prevent HIV infection. Getting tested is the first step in receiving access to health care and support systems whose mission is to ensure your survival and give you a good quality of life. Getting tested and then treated is important not just for you, but also to reduce the chance of you transmitting the disease to others.

Get Educated. Get Tested. Help Prevent HIV/AIDS.

Sources (Also linked above):

The Amazin’ Race: Wellness Edition

As part of Orientation, incoming freshmen are invited to participate in The Amazin’ Race: Wellness Edition.

Participants will take a tour of the Wellness Center and explore the Seven Dimensions of Wellness. They are each given a sheet where they will match clues with the correct answer. All clues hint at activites around the wellness center which satisfy different dimensions of wellness.

The purpose of this activity is to allow students to envision the Seven Dimensions of Wellness. The tour allows them to see how everything relates to the dimensions, and to visualize how and why each activity falls under a specific dimension. For instance, at the end of the tour, students will know the Resource Area falls under the Intellectual dimension of wellness because they can use it to study, read and excercise their mind!

Students who complete the tour and fill out the sheet are eligible to win a prize 🙂

Pursuit of Wellness – Eating Disorders

Dimension: Intellectual

Date: February 28th

Today I attended the bonus opportunity, in which I stopped by the Eating Disorders informational booth in the Memorial Union to learn about some facts on eating disorders. I personally am very happy with my body and LOVE eating food, so even though attending this booth was of no use to myself it was actually very informational because I have a friend with an eating disorder. It was really nice to read about the signs of how to recognize one. Hopefully with the new information I learned by attending this booth that I can maybe help her to recognize it herself.

“Revere the body and care for it, for it is a temple.” ~ Swami Muktananda

Thursday Night Culture Series

Pursuit of Wellness

Thursday Night Culture Series: Social

March 1, 2012

Last night I attended Thursday Night Culture Series.  Nepali Speaking Bhutanese Community was the highlighted culture.  This is not my first time attending a culture series, but they never get old!  I love learning about how different cultures celebrate holidays, cook, dress, etc.  For example, were you aware that 75% of this community are Buddists?  or that Bhutan actually means “high land”?  I’m guessing probably not, unless you were at culture series last night too!  Attending these nights are wonderful for Social Wellness, because they provide you with a diverse group of people that you may not be familiar with.  After that one short hour you will feel more confident in your ability to have a conversation, something you may not have been able to do just an hour before! Its also a great thing to attend with friends.  My sister is my dependable plus-one at these nights.

Another  great thing about culture series is that they provide you wonderful authentic food  from the country they are highlighting that night, for just a dollar!  You can’t find that quality of ethnic food anywhere in town, especially with that price tag!  If this is something you have not experienced yet, I strongly encourage you to attend at least one.  I promise you, you’ll be hooked!

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – Environmental

Dimension:  Environmental

Activity:  WILD CARD – make a clothing donation

Sunday, February 26th, 2012

On Sunday, we had a wild card, which was pretty much a free-for-all.  I only had two dimensions left at this point, which were the environmental and the physical… Seems like every time these two dimensions were offered, I was either out of town or busy working…   I decided to find an environmental activity to do, since I could obtain the physical one the following Wednesday.   I was sitting in my room thinking about it, when I realized I had way too many clothes I don’t wear, which inspired me to go make a clothing donation at Dakota Boys Ranch thrift store.  I quickly went through all of my sweatshirts and everything and gathered a fair amount of stuff which I brought over to donate. Unfortunately I still have a lot to get rid of, but one step at a time, right?   I figure at least this way, I am contributing to the greater good, and giving my unused clothing a good new home where they may find some use.   I feel good about that!