Monthly Archives: November 2012

FREE Things Friday: Culinary Corner

Are you on a hectic schedule and tight budget? This week’s FREE things Friday is about the FREE class at the Culinary Corner for Wellness Center members. Having attended I came up with following information, each 30 minute sessions will feature tips on shopping for fresh, healthy ingredients, easy to prepare recipes, and cost comparisons. Class participants will see the recipe being prepared, enjoy a sample, and leave with a recipe card and nutrition information to make the meal themselves! I highly suggest this class if you are always on the go and still want to eat healthy! If you are interested, I’ll see you there Tuesday at 5:30pm in the Culinary Corner!

Get De-Stressed at the Carnival Fest!


It’s that time of year again when we all need to de-stress. Come join us at the De-Stress Fest on Wednesday, December 5th, from 11am to 3pm in the Memorial Union, Loading Dock. The theme this year is “Get Distressed at the Carnival Fest.”

Enjoy free massage, food, fun games, lively music, stretching yoga, and awesome prizes! You can make your own carnival masks, tied blankets, trail mixes, and aroma therapy bags.

Give your mind and body a break to meet the end of the semester with calmness, easiness, and focus!

Running with Lynn Show

Good morning UND it’s looking like a nice day today a high 30. The movie of the week Hitchcock the true story behind the difficult production of the famed Alfred Hitchcock. This movie  will be a treat to see on the big screen, I myself am not educated with the legendary history of Alfred Hitchcock so I am excited. Have a good day everybody.

Get up and Move

Interested in the true benefits of physical activity? Wondering what UND has to offer when it comes to different ways of exercising? If you answered yes to either of those questions, come to the “Get up and Move” Presentation on Thursday November 29th. It will be held in the Badlands Room in Memorial Union at 7pm. There will be lots of good information given, along with time for questions to be answered.

A healthy snack will be provided along with a chance to win a Scheels gift card. Come with a friend and see how you can become a healthier student of UND. Everyone is welcome!

It’s up to YOU.

When I was in college, I stayed to myself;
I went to class, I went to work, and I went to church.

I had no interest in getting to know the community- whether it was the University’s or the Greater Grand Forks area’s.
I figured that I was in college to get my education, and when that was done I would worry about everything else.

Boy, was I off.

I missed out on a multitude of opportunities to realize how much there is to offer in the area.
I also missed out on a multitude of opportunities to build my skill set.
I missed out on relationships and networking with some pretty outstanding people.
And let’s not even talk about work experience

The “older” and further into adulthood I get, the more I realize that I was (and am) able to shape my own future.

Do yourself a favor and try new things. Even if you feel like you don’t have room for ANYTHING else, keep an open mind and prioritize the things keeping you from being involved. I’d almost put money on the fact that you have wiggle room. And I say that because I’m aware of the multitude of opportunities, whether it be one time or ongoing.

Maybe you’re like me- out of college and in the workforce, perhaps wondering if it’s too late…?


Follow calendars (,,, perhaps even join an organization (, and get started today. I believe that everything in our lives serves a purpose. Roll up your sleeves and start creating opportunities for change!

Most Popular Student Snack at UND…Fingernails!

Okay, that isn’t quite true! It is a possibility though! Last week I promoted “Smart Snacking in College” at the Wellness Center. While the majority of people consider “stressful snacking” to be overeating, many studies show that when students are stressed they resort to their fingernails… or under-eating! I wanted to find out how UND students were snacking, especially with the stress of finals coming up. Being a dietetic student, there was an OVERLOAD of ideas in my brain to share with you guys. Obviously, I wanted my information to be from credible sources. With SO many people claiming their way is the best way in nutrition it can be tough to know what to believe. After filtering through tons of information, I came up with the following general recommendations for snacks:
100-200 calories/snack

  • Don’t overdo your snacks!
  • Contain carbohydrates!
    • Fuel your brain
    • Fiber-filled!
      • Helps digestion
      • Satiety
      • Protein filled!
        • Satiety
          • Nutrient Dense!

What are you putting into your body? Using credible information when it comes to nutrition is SO important for your best and healthiest life! Where can you be sure to find this? A few resources to take a look at are:

  • A Registered Dietitian

Here are some quick ideas for you in your busy lifestyle!

Make-your-own Trail Mix:
Try:Whole grain, low sugar cereal
Sunflower seeds,Raw Almonds, Dried fruit (raisins, craisins, etc.), Dark Chocolate

Throw together ingredients and put into individual Ziploc bags for each day!

Raw Almonds
Try: Blue Diamond 100 calorie pack raw almonds
Why? Fiber, protein, healthy fat, B vitamins
Price: $3.99/7 pack ($0.57 per packet)

Granola Bar:
Try: Kashi TLC (Tasty Little Crunchies) Bar
Why? One package has 180 calories, 4g fiber, 6g protein, 100% whole grains, 8g added sugar
Price: $5.12/12 bars ($0.42 per bar)

Greek Yogurt dip:
Try: Dill Dip
+1 Cup Non-fat PLAIN Greek Yogurt
+3 teaspoons dried dill weed (find it in the spices section!)
Mix together and enjoy! Dip carrots, celery, whole-grain crackers

Why? Protein, Probiotics (help digestion)
Greek yogurt is a great replacement for dips using cream cheese, mayonnaise, or sour cream, or butter.
Price: $1.75 for yogurt, $3.98 for dried dill weed that can be used multiple times!

Popcorn with added spices:
Garlic Powder
Why? Popcorn is a whole grain!
Gradually added spices and test it out until it tastes just right!

I also had members fill out a short survey about their snacking habits. The options to choose from for snack items were: crackers, candy, cheese stick, fruit, vegetables, nuts, cookies, yogurt, sports drinks, milk, chips, pop, ice cream. I was impressed that the item that was most commonly snacked on was yogurt! Good job, you guys! The most common activity that those were snacking during was watching television! The majority of those who took the survey claimed they consumed less when feeling stressed. Continue that healthy snacking UND students! I would advise against relying on fingernails for nutrients though!

Keep your holidays healthy!

Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks, but also have a great meal with your family and friends.  Even though you may be tempted by some delicious dishes, it’s still important to keep your health in mind.  Try to use the “plate method” when dishing up your Thanksgiving meal.  This means fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables, one-fourth of your plate with lean protein, and the last fourth with whole grains. 

This can be done at Thanksgiving dinner!  Luckily, many of the traditional Thanksgiving foods fit into these categories:

Fruits and vegetables (fill half of your plate):
-Sweet Potatoes
-Green Bean casserole
-Side Salad
-Cooked vegetables

Lean Protein (limit to one-fourth of your plate):

Grains (and starchy vegetables) (limit to one-fourth of your plate):
-Mashed potatoes
-Whole wheat dinner roll

And Thanksgiving dinner isn’t Thanksgiving without some dessert right?  It’s alright to indulge every once in a while, but do limit yourself to only one piece of pie, cookie or bar; and keep your portion size in check!


While you won’t be able to work off everything you ate, you can combat holiday weight gain by taking in a walk with your family before or after those big meals, playing a game of touch football, freeze tag, going ice skating, or building a snowman with your family.

Get as much of your family involved as you can to make it an enjoyable and healthy family get together.


Cookin’ with the Kiddos

Come join us at the Wellness Center for Cookin’ with the Kiddos! This is a fun way to interact with kids and help increase children’s awareness, appreciation, and knowledge of healthy eating.

Together we can show our youth how cooking can be fun rather than a chore and also how important it is to eat healthy at a young age for a better well being. If you enjoy kids and want to learn some healthy eating tips, join us every Tuesday at 5:30pm Cookin’ with the Kiddos!

For more information conact or 701.777.0228

Name That Vegetable: Kohlrabi

Kohlrabi (aka knol knols)

Kohlrabi belongs to the cabbage family and got its name from a German word meaning “cabbage-turnip”. They were popular in Germany during the 16th century and only recently have they been appreciated elsewhere.

Both the leaves and swollen underground stem are edible, specially the stem which can be green, white or purple. Its flavor is milder than a turnip’s. If young and tender they may be eaten raw, very thinly sliced. Diced or julienned kohlrabi is good in salads, stir-fries, coated in batter and deep fried or steamed, and accompanied with a cheese sauce. If sliced kohlrabi is blanched first it can be frozen for up to 12 months.

For those unfamiliar with this jewel of a vegetable, its appearance somewhat resembles a hot air balloon. Picture the turnip-shaped globe as the passenger section; its multiple stems that sprout from all parts of its globular form resemble the many vertical ropes, and the deep green leaves at the top represent the parachute. Kohlrabi is often mistakenly referred to as a root vegetable, but in fact it grows just above ground, forming a unique, turnip-shaped swelling at the base of the stem.

Nutritional Benefits

Kohlrabi possesses many attributes worth notice:

Low in calories, only 19 for a half cup raw, sliced

High in dietary fiber, 2.5 grams for one-half cup

Potassium content peaks at 245 grams for one-half cup

Vitamin content for that same one-half cup includes 25 I.U. vitamin A, 43.4 mg. vitamin C, 11.3 mcg folic acid, and 16.8 mg. calcium.

Of kohlrabi’s two varieties the purple globe is sweeter and tastier than the apple-green. Both have a pale green, almost ivory colored, flesh inside. While the entire vegetable is edible raw or cooked, the small, young kohlrabi, about 1 1/2 to 2 inches (3.5 to 5 cm) in diameter, is ideal for its flavor and texture.


This attractive stem vegetable is available at its best during winter months from November until March. Over-maturity as well as exposure of crop to excessive sunlight makes the stem woody and tough in texture resulting in its poor eating quality. Fresh kohlrabies should have crunchy texture and impart rich flavor.

In the stores, buy medium-sized, fresh tubers and heavy in hand for their size. Avoid those with cracks, cuts, spoiled or mold infested. Do not buy if they have lighter weight for their size and excessively woody in consistency as it is indication of over-maturity and out of flavor. If sliced kohlrabi is blanched first it can be frozen for up to 12 months.

Knol-knols have good keeping qualities; can be placed at room temperature for 2-3 days. However, If you wish to store for few more days, then keep them in the refrigerator set at temperature below 35 degree F and high humidity level to maintain vitality.

Kohlrabi stems should be washed thoroughly in clean running water and swished in saline water for about 10-15 minutes in order to remove any surface soil, dirt and any insecticide/fungicide residues.

Just before cooking, remove any leaves and trim the stem ends. Peel the skin using paring knife.

Here are some serving tips:

  • Fresh young crispy knol-knol can be used raw in salad/coleslaw.
  • It mixes well with other vegetables and greens in a variety of kohlrabi recipes like squash empanadas.
  • Peeled stem, cut into slices or cubes, can be mixed with other vegetables like potatoes and stewed with onion, garlic and tomato.
  • Stewed knol-knol cubes mix well with meats and poultry.

Look no further

Kohlrabi, once the favored vegetable of European nobles and peasants alike, has fallen off the veggie pop charts. Oh, yes, you can find kohlrabi in the produce department of many supermarkets (Hugos, Target, Walmart, SuperOne and Amazing Grains), but when the checker lifts the bunch out of the grocery cart, notice the look of puzzlement on his or her face. What follows is a flurry of activity at the cash register. First, the checker holds up the innocent vegetable and shouts to the closest checker, “What is this stuff?” Next, follows a rifling through the little book that lists the code numbers. Then as the checker pushes the poor kohlrabi toward the bagger, there’s an exchange of puzzled expressions.

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We can only guess that other more pungently flavored vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and asparagus have simply upstaged the kohlrabi whose flavor is mild and delicately sweet, its texture, crisp and moist. Though the flavor of kohlrabi is unassertive, delicate hints of cabbage and broccoli come to the foreground.
Don’t know what to make? Here are a few recipes:

Kohlrabi Fries-

Kohlrabi Slaw-

Kohlrabi Stir Fry-

FREE Things Friday: Fitness Floor Orientations

This week, FREE things Friday at the Wellness Center is about the Fitness Floor Orientations offered at the Wellness Center for FREE if you are a member. I attended and the orientations consist of an introduction to the different pieces of equipment, including how they work and how they can be adjusted to fit you personally. An orientation is a brief overview of the layout and equipment options on the weight floor and cardio deck. I actually learned a lot from this, for example when using the weight machines; I was shown that the seat may be adjusted for easier use and a more efficient workout! These appointments can be scheduled for an individual or in groups of 2-6 people and is approximately 30 minutes long. If you are a member at the Wellness Center and are interested in this FREE service, call 777.3417 or stop by the Fitness Desk to schedule your appointment!