Author Archives: Alli C

Lets get physical… kind of..

Dimension:  Physical

Activity: Visit the UND Health & Wellness Resource office and use the Self-care Station

Wednesday, February 29th, 2012 (Happy leap year!)

So, in a way I feel like I took the path of least resistance for this band, because I didn’t actually do anything physical to get it… However, I am ok with that, because I do work out most days of the week, and even tried the “Night Cycle” class this week (that was… interesting).  Instead of going skiing (I was going to before, but there was no snow then) or going to workout classes, I visited the Health & Wellness Resource office, where I used the self-care station to find out about my blood pressure.   This was interesting to me, because even though my blood pressure was taken recently at a doctor’s office, they NEVER actually tell you what it is!   I discovered that my blood pressure is 110/65, which I am told is pretty darn good.  Apparently my meditation and working out is actually doing some good for me 🙂

On another note:  Wooo!  I have collected all of the wristbands of wellness!   My rainbow of bands on my water bottle is now complete!! 😀

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – Environmental

Dimension:  Environmental

Activity:  WILD CARD – make a clothing donation

Sunday, February 26th, 2012

On Sunday, we had a wild card, which was pretty much a free-for-all.  I only had two dimensions left at this point, which were the environmental and the physical… Seems like every time these two dimensions were offered, I was either out of town or busy working…   I decided to find an environmental activity to do, since I could obtain the physical one the following Wednesday.   I was sitting in my room thinking about it, when I realized I had way too many clothes I don’t wear, which inspired me to go make a clothing donation at Dakota Boys Ranch thrift store.  I quickly went through all of my sweatshirts and everything and gathered a fair amount of stuff which I brought over to donate. Unfortunately I still have a lot to get rid of, but one step at a time, right?   I figure at least this way, I am contributing to the greater good, and giving my unused clothing a good new home where they may find some use.   I feel good about that!

Social – Women’s Hockey Game

Feb 4th
Attend Women’s Hockey

This past Saturday, February 4th, a friend and I decided to attend the Women’s hockey game.  We both like hockey, and thought this could be a fun activity for a Saturday evening.  I had heard good things about the UND women’s team, and the tickets were free, so why not?!   It ended up being quite entertaining, although I was a little disappointed that nothing really happened after the first period.  The first period was full of excitement and goals!  All in all, this was a good social experience, and I would gladly attend more events like this!


Activity: attend Interfaith Fair, attend Wicca presentation

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Yesterday, I went to two different activities to obtain the Spiritual wristband of wellness.  First I went to the Interfaith Fair, where I briefly looked around, added my belief to their wall, and chatted with Chassidy (?) about her Wicca poster.  Chatting with her inspired me to attend her presentation later that night, which I found quite informative and interesting.  As she said, Wicca is something a lot of teenagers experiment with, and I was definitely one… I still find Wicca to be fascinating, and like the idea that god is pervasive and in everything, and really like that it is a religion that is more nature based than anything.  I wish I had been able to stay for the ceremony!   It was overall, a very interesting activity!  I’m glad I went!

Emotional – meditation

Dimension: Emotional

Activity:  Attend Insight Meditation at the Lotus Meditation Center

Monday, January 30, 2012 at 5 PM

The activity I chose for today was to attend the Insight Meditation session.  I have always been interested in meditation, and learning more about it, so the idea of this activity intrigued me.  During the meditation, we were guided a little bit through a 25 minute long session of silent sitting.  I learned a fair bit about how to just let thoughts come and go, and ended up thoroughly relaxed by the end of the session.  At first, my mind was antsy and all over the place, but then I started to focus on my breath, and I imagined myself on the beach, with the waves washing on shore in time with my breath.. It was quite relaxing.  Then when I noticed a pain in my shoulder, I remembered a technique I had learned in my research about either meditation or yoga (I don’t recall which), where you focus on each body part individually and just imagine the muscles relaxing with each breath you take.. By the time I went from my feet to my face, I was 100% relaxed.

I feel so invigorated and relaxed; I feel like this will help me calm my mind as well as find more happiness in my life by focusing on the positives and being more calm and less stressed.  I definitely plan on incorporating this activity into my week!  Every Monday at 5, you can find me at the Lotus Meditation Center!

Oh! And I won an awesome COEXIST T-shirt for attending an Interfaith Week event!  Makes it even better than it would have been otherwise! =)

Intellectual – Life Among Birds

Dimension: Intellectual

Activity: Attend the Winged Shadow: Life Among Birds exhibit at the Museum of Art

Saturday, January 28th, 2012 at approximately 3:17 PM

The activity for Saturday was to attend the art exhibit at the Museum of Art on campus.  I had never been there but have wanted to go, so this was a prime opportunity!  I was also quite excited, because I am a bit of a self-proclaimed bird-nerd, so the exhibit was perfect for me and I probably would have gone even if it weren’t for the Pursuit of Wellness..  I found the exhibit interesting, I especially liked the screen printed photographs on the fabric.. I thought those were neat.   Some of the paintings were fascinating, albeit a little disturbing… What I took out of it is that humans, particularly fishermen, are harming the birds.. The birds in the painting were harming the fishermen… The paintings depicted the birds eating, or otherwise eating the humans.. Bizarre, but point made (and excellent paintings as well).  Overall, this activity was well worth my time, and I will be checking out other exhibits at the Museum of Art throughout the semester.

Furthermore, I have been inspired to start painting again.. Always good to find inspiration!


Dimension: Occupational

Activity:  Attend Team Wellness Recruitment at the Wellness Center

Wednesday, January 18, 2012 at 5 PM

The activity for today was to attend the Team Wellness Recruitment at the Wellness Center.  Honestly, this was just lucky for me, because I was planning to attend this event anyways.   I find myself with some extra time these days, and typically visit the Wellness Center every day anyways, so I feel like I might as well get a job there!  Prior to the recruitment I felt pretty excited to learn more about the opportunities available.  The activity itself was interesting; I really enjoyed Carrie’s presentation.  It was informative about the entirety of Team Wellness, and the positions that are available.  I have to admit the video that was included was very touching.  After the event I talked with the young lady who was there to represent the Culinary Corner, and feel like that would actually be a pretty awesome place to work.  This weekend I plan on writing my cover letter and resume so that I can apply!  It sounds so perfect for me:  I love to cook, I like to cook for other people, and it would be a fun interactive activity.

I find that when I am always busy, I am more productive, so taking on the added responsibility of a job such as working in the Culinary Corner at the Wellness Center would be beneficial.  Plus, working at the Wellness Center would further motivate me to work-out and eat healthy every day, which would make me a happier, more focused person which would benefit my academic success.

(Also, for the record, I posted this earlier.. I was just confused about how to post for the Pursuit of Wellness!)