Daily Archives: January 30, 2012

It’s here!!!! The snow is finally here!!

The snow is finally here, the trail is groomed*, the sign is up, the boots and skis are ready to check-out.


And…we have options! You now can skate ski or classic ski.

So what is the difference between classic ski and skate ski? 

Classic ski: 

The classic style is often used on prepared trails (pistes) that have pairs of parallel grooves (tracks) cut into the snow.

Skate ski

Skate skiing involves a decisive weight transfer onto one ski angled and then the other, supported by the inner edge of the ski on the snow, which looks similar to an ice skater. As in classic skiing, transferring weight completely from one ski to the next is essential to learning to skate. Those who have learned to ice skate or rollerskiing may find ski skating technique easier to learn than classic skiing.

Here are some great online demonstrations of both styles:
Classic, dryland preperation
Classic, no poles cross country skiing
Classic, striding with poles, double pole, double pole kick
My favorite skate ski video: (Learn how to skate ski in a day)

However, we recommend that you show up at the Wellness Center and give it a try! It is fun, it gets you outside, and a great calorie burner! Ski UND is open until Spring Break (or until snow melt) – so hurry!!

*Trails will be groomed on a weekly basis.

Intellectual – Life Among Birds

Dimension: Intellectual

Activity: Attend the Winged Shadow: Life Among Birds exhibit at the Museum of Art

Saturday, January 28th, 2012 at approximately 3:17 PM

The activity for Saturday was to attend the art exhibit at the Museum of Art on campus.  I had never been there but have wanted to go, so this was a prime opportunity!  I was also quite excited, because I am a bit of a self-proclaimed bird-nerd, so the exhibit was perfect for me and I probably would have gone even if it weren’t for the Pursuit of Wellness..  I found the exhibit interesting, I especially liked the screen printed photographs on the fabric.. I thought those were neat.   Some of the paintings were fascinating, albeit a little disturbing… What I took out of it is that humans, particularly fishermen, are harming the birds.. The birds in the painting were harming the fishermen… The paintings depicted the birds eating, or otherwise eating the humans.. Bizarre, but point made (and excellent paintings as well).  Overall, this activity was well worth my time, and I will be checking out other exhibits at the Museum of Art throughout the semester.

Furthermore, I have been inspired to start painting again.. Always good to find inspiration!


Dimension: Occupational

Activity:  Attend Team Wellness Recruitment at the Wellness Center

Wednesday, January 18, 2012 at 5 PM

The activity for today was to attend the Team Wellness Recruitment at the Wellness Center.  Honestly, this was just lucky for me, because I was planning to attend this event anyways.   I find myself with some extra time these days, and typically visit the Wellness Center every day anyways, so I feel like I might as well get a job there!  Prior to the recruitment I felt pretty excited to learn more about the opportunities available.  The activity itself was interesting; I really enjoyed Carrie’s presentation.  It was informative about the entirety of Team Wellness, and the positions that are available.  I have to admit the video that was included was very touching.  After the event I talked with the young lady who was there to represent the Culinary Corner, and feel like that would actually be a pretty awesome place to work.  This weekend I plan on writing my cover letter and resume so that I can apply!  It sounds so perfect for me:  I love to cook, I like to cook for other people, and it would be a fun interactive activity.

I find that when I am always busy, I am more productive, so taking on the added responsibility of a job such as working in the Culinary Corner at the Wellness Center would be beneficial.  Plus, working at the Wellness Center would further motivate me to work-out and eat healthy every day, which would make me a happier, more focused person which would benefit my academic success.

(Also, for the record, I posted this earlier.. I was just confused about how to post for the Pursuit of Wellness!)

Winged Shadows Life Among Birds Exhibit

Dimension: Environmental

Activity: Visit the ND Museum of Art to visit the Winged Shadows Life Among Birds Exhibit.

Friday, January 27th

The activity was to visit the ND Museum of Art to visit the Winged Shadows Life Among Birds exhibit between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.  I picked this event because I have never been to the ND Museum of Art and since I’m graduating this semester I figured this would be a good chance to visit the museum to say that I have been to it while I was at UND.  I really had no idea what to expect, but it was interesting to see how many photographs, paintings, and other exhibits there were.  I was very intrigued by several paintings that depicted birds and fisherman trying to catch fish.  I am from North Dakota and I enjoy going on the lake during the summer and winter trying to catch fish.  I believe the paintings were trying to depict that birds are better at catch fish than the fisherman.  It was a great experience to see the paintings and made it able for me to check on something on my bucket list at UND.

Social Wellness

Dimension: Social Wellness
Activity: Attend Men’s Basketball vs. NJIT
Thursday, January 26 @ 7pm

I decided to go the UND Men’s Basketball game on Thursday because I had never been to one before. I work for the Ralph and the Betty and I’ve never had the day off on a game day before. I got a student ticket at the box office and sat in the student section with some friends that were there also. It was fun to just relax and enjoy the game and have a good time with the friends I was with. Plus I got to see Patrick Mitchell reach 1,000 points in his career, which made him the 31st player in UND history to do that. I hope I am able to watch more games in the future, because I had a lot of fun


Emotional Wellness

Dimension: Emotional
Activity: Contribute to the “Before I Die” Project
Wednesday, January 25th at 12:30pm

I stopped by and visited the Student Involvement Office while I was on a class break on Wednesday to check out the “Before I Die” project and add something to the wall. It was very interesting to see all of the things that people had added to the board, and there was a lot more than I expected to be on there. I spent a while reading the board and thinking about what I wanted to write on there. There were many things that I wanted to put on the wall, and I finally made my decision and decided to put “Buy a House” on the wall

It was very inspiring to see some of the ideas that others had put on the wall. It was also eye-opening to see how many different things were on there. Some that I also want to, and some not.


Altru’s Pursuit of Wellness: Intellectual and Evironmental

Dimension: Environmental

Activity: Visit the ND Museum of Art -Winged Shadows Life Among Birds Exhibit

Date: 1/27/12

The challenge that I chose to do today was to go to the Art Museum on the University of North Dakota’s campus to visit the Winged Shadows Life Among the Birds Exhibit. When I first got to the museum, I really didn’t know what to expect. The painting were really fun to look at. Some of the pictures I had to spend extra time looking at since they would have so much detail and many different aspects to the paintings. There were several pictures that a giant bird with a fisherman in its mouth. I thought those were very interesting to see, maybe birds are better fisherman than humans are. Another aspect of the exhibit that I found interesting was the fish nets filled with a bunch of electronics, it made me think of how human technology is destroying our natural environment. I really enjoyed going to the museum.

Altru’s Pursuit of Wellness

Dimension: Social

Activity: Attend Men’s Basketball Game v.s. NJIT

Date: 1/26/12

The challenge was to attend the Men’s Basketball game v.s. NJIT at the Betty. I love basketball however I have never gone to a game here at UND. I really enjoyed going to the game, and it was a great game too. It was a pretty close scoring game for awhile, and it was a lot of fun to watch the half time performances as well. I loved how some of the plays made the crowd stand up and cheer for UND. It was fun to see how well they could play. I’m hoping that I will be able to attend another game soon. Also, I really enjoyed going to the game with my friend, especially since we don’t get a lot of time to hang out normally.